3 trending stories for October

This month we’re bringing you 3 fun stories on the theme of digital security. Is Mac still invincible? Apple has built an image of invulnerability when it comes to its operating systems. Recently, however, that image is being called into question. Are your Mac and iPhone still safe? continue reading → Security in Windows 10 At […]
Windows 10 still susceptible to IE vulnerabilities

Even though Microsoft pushed Internet Explorer to the sidelines in the new Windows 10, favouring instead their Microsoft Edge browser, it doesn’t seem to have helped insulate the operating system from vulnerabilities in IE. Microsoft last week released a patch for the latest bug (which our CompuCARE automated management software has already pushed out to our clients). But […]
Should you upgrade to Windows 10 today?
Spoiler: We recommend waiting Patience is a virtue We know you’re excited about Windows 10. With features like voice controls, a personal assistant,a new web browser, and the return of the start menu, you may be itching to upgrade as soon as you can. We’re advising our clients to wait, at least at the office. […]
Windows 10 Home Updates Will be Automatic and Mandatory
When Windows 10 comes out at the end of the month, it looks like the ability to turn updates off entirely will be completely removed. Home users will have only two options for dealing with updates: installing them and rebooting automatically, and installing, then choosing when to update. Here’s the relevant section of the EULA: […]