Dropbox Adds Office Online Integration – via lifehacker
Thanks to its partnership with Microsoft, Dropbox now lets you edit Office files you have stored in your Dropbox right in your browser via Office Online. Read the whole article: Dropbox Adds Office Online Integration.
Massive list of Dropbox credentials leaked, change your password immediately [Update] – Neowin

Update: Dropbox has once again stated that their service has not been hacked but rather the list of credentials leaked came from a different service. And people are now trying to exploit that list by logging into different website where users re-used their passwords. What this means is that users who re-use their passwords are still at […]
Why you need 2-step authentication, and how to enable it

My wife and I woke up this morning to find an email from a good friend of ours, sent at 3:09AM, with the subject: URGENT! Needless to say, we were worried. This is what the email said: Am so sorry to bother you, am in a terrible situation right now and will need your urgent help. […]