Heartbleed: An historic attack

What does Heartbleed mean for you, and what can you do? Heartbleed – the name of the latest internet threat – may sound like something out of a horror film, but given our reliance on the web today and the extent of the bug’s impacts, that may not be so far off. Security experts have […]

Avez-vous lu mon message?

Trop de comptables utilisent le corps de leurs courriels pour livrer de l’information à leurs clients alors qu’ils devraient utiliser des fichiers joints. Par Dwayne Bragonier, publi en CPA MAGAZINE le 1er avril 2014 Nous utilisons de plus en plus le courrier électronique comme mode de livraison de nos « produits finis » : interprétation de données, résultats, recommandations, […]

Special delivery for your documents

Too many accountants are using the body of emails to deliver information instead of using the attachment function. By: Dwayne Bragonier, published in CPA Magazine, April 1, 2014 More and more, we are delivering our finished goods electronically via email. That’s OK, as long as the expertise being shared — the interpretation of data, presentation of […]

Trending this week: Enterprise effectiveness and drones

This week we’ve got 2 great articles for you. The first is a fun piece about drones and how small businesses are starting to use them; a quick distraction to get your creative juices flowing on a Friday afternoon. The second is a little more technical, a little dryer, but no less creative; it examines […]

Rédiger des meilleures courriels à froid pour obtenir une réponse

Writing email in outlook

Vos courriels sont-ils efficaces? Depuis quelques mois, je suis les astuces de cet article Lifehacker. Donc, j’aimerais les partager. Ils sont logiques et faciles à suivre. Dans ce contexte, un « courriel à froid » est un courriel destiné à quelqu’un que vous ne connaissez pas et dans lequel vous voulez quelque chose. Cette chose […]

Write Better Cold Emails So You Get a Response

Writing email in outlook

How effective are your emails? I’ve been using the advice in this Lifehacker article for a few months now, so I thought I’d share it. It’s easy to follow and implement, and just plain makes sense. In this context, a “cold email” is any email to someone you don’t know well, in which you’re asking […]

Preparing – mentally and emotionally – for a new PC

Keep calm and be prepared

With the rapidly approaching end of support for Windows XP, we’ve been upgrading many of our clients to new computers with Windows 7. No matter how many times we do it, no matter how quickly it gets done, and no matter how smooth the process, it’s always a little traumatic for the user. Igor, one […]

Why you need 2-step authentication, and how to enable it

  My wife and I woke up this morning to find an email from a good friend of ours, sent at 3:09AM, with the subject: URGENT! Needless to say, we were worried. This is what the email said:   Am so sorry to bother you, am in a terrible situation right now and will need your urgent help. […]

10 Top Password and Cyber Security Tips for Every Small Business

As a small business you might be thinking, “this only happens to the big companies with LOTS of information”. You’re wrong. Small Biz Technology had a great post last week about cyber security for small businesses. It was short and to-the-point, so I won’t repeat the whole thing here, but I’ll try to summarize it […]

10 conseils sécurité et mots de passe pour votre petite entreprise

En tant que petite entreprise, vous pensez peut-être “cela se passe seulement chez les grandes compagnies avec BEAUCOUP de données”. Vous vous trompez. Small Biz Technology a publi un très bon article la semaine passée au sujet de la cybersécurité pour les petites entreprises. Il est court et au point, donc je ne le répéterai […]