Nouvelle faille critique en Windows – Mettez-vous à jour maintenant!

Microsoft a publié hier une bulletin de sécurité critique qui se traite une faille qui, selon des rechercheurs de IBM, restait en pleine vue. Microsoft a aussi publié 14 mises-à-jour corrigeant la faille dans différents applications. IBM a divulguéé la faille à Microsoft il y a six mois, en mai, notant qu’elle “pourrait permettre l’exécution de code à […]

“Huge” new vulnerability in Windows – Get the patch now!

Windows yesterday published a critical security bulletin addressing a vulnerability that, according to researches at IBM, has been “sitting in plain sight.” Microsoft has also released an update to patch the vulnerability. IBM reported the bug privately to Microsoft in May, noting that it “could allow remote code execution if an attacker sends” a very specific set of […]

5 Mistakes You Can Avoid by Using an MSP for Your Cloud Sharing

With the ease of setting up cloud-based file sharing, some companies may think they should avoid working with a managed service provider and work directly with a cloud service. While it may seem simple, there are definitely mistakes customers can run into. Here are five cloud-based file sharing mistakes customers can avoid by working with an MSP.

Cloud-Based Calling Is the Right Connection for East Coast Law Firm — BizTech

This case study of a law firm that made the switch to hosted VoIP comes courtesy of BizTech Magazine. Read the entire article, by Christina Tynan-Wood: Cloud-Based Calling Is the Right Connection for East Coast Law Firm — BizTech. Bonner Kiernan Trebach & Crociata LLP had been relying on an aging collection of traditional PBX phones for more than […]

Save 65% on 1 Year of HostGator Web Hosting + Free Domain Name – via Lifehacker

At Compumatik, we strive to be the single partner for everything your company needs relating to IT, and that includes web-hosting. Sometimes we do it ourselves, and sometimes we work with partners like Hostgator, depending on your needs. But sometimes, you just want to DIY (do-it-yourself). In that spirit, we’re letting you know that HostGator […]

Comptes Dropbox piratés: changez vos mots de passe! –

Plus de 400 identifiants et mots de passe du service de stockage et de partage de fichiers Dropbox auraient été subtilisés par l’intermédiaire de sites ou de services tiers, et livrés sur le site Pastebin, un site de partage d’informations qui se veut anonyme. Pour libérer votre esprit de tout doute, consultez la page de Dropbox […]

Word not showing spaces or line returns until next character is typed

We ran into a strange problem today, and thought we’d share the solution. The Problem When you enter a space, a line return, or other paragraph mark, nothing happens until you enter the next character. For instance, you type “This is not working.”, then <space>, but the cursor is still right next to your period. […]