Mobile Malware Has Increased 500% – What Should You Do?

Free Unrecognizable hacker with smartphone typing on laptop at desk Stock Photo

Cybersecurity researchers uncovered an alarming mobile statistic. During the first few months of 2022, mobile malware attacks surged by 500%. This is alarming both in scale and because many people aren’t yet protecting smartphones. For years, mobile phones have become more powerful. They now do many of the same functions as a computer – just […]

How Is the Metaverse Going to Change Business?

Free illustrations of Metaverse

The new buzzword around town is “metaverse.” But what does that actually mean for businesses? Is it just something that social media companies need to be concerned about? According to people like Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, the metaverse is coming. He stated that “Life without AR will soon be unthinkable.” Whether that’s a short-term or […]

Have You Had Data Exposed in One of These Recent Data Breaches

There’s a reason that browsers like Edge have added breached password notifications. Data breaches are an unfortunate part of life. And can have costly consequences for individuals. Hackers can steal identities and compromise bank accounts, just to name a couple. Cybercriminals breach about 4,800 websites every month with form jacking code. It has become all […]

Support for Windows 7 is nearing the end

Support for Windows 7 is nearing the end After 10 years, support for Windows 7 is coming to an end on January 14, 2020. We want you to be ready, so we’re reaching out in advance to give you time to prepare. What does end of support mean? When Windows 7 reaches the end of support, your computer will […]

3 trending stories for October

This month we’re bringing you 3 fun stories on the theme of digital security. Is Mac still invincible? Apple has built an image of invulnerability when it comes to its operating systems. Recently, however, that image is being called into question. Are your Mac and iPhone still safe? continue reading → Security in Windows 10 At […]

3 histoires de tendance en octobre

Ce mois-ci nous vous offrons 3 histoires sur le thème de la sécurité numérique. Mac plus invincible? Apple est réputé d’être invulnérable au niveau de ses systèmes d’exploitations. Récemment, plusieurs ont été inféctés. Vos iPhones et Mac sont-ils toujours sécure? lisez plus → Vos données & Windows 10 Des nouvelles fonctionnalités en Windows 10 comprennent des […]

Windows 10 still susceptible to IE vulnerabilities

Screenshot of a Windows 10 laptop

Even though Microsoft pushed Internet Explorer to the sidelines in the new Windows 10, favouring instead their Microsoft Edge browser, it doesn’t seem to have helped insulate the operating system from vulnerabilities in IE. Microsoft last week released a patch for the latest bug (which our CompuCARE automated management software has already pushed out to our clients). But […]

Windows 10 toujours susceptible aux vulnérabilités IE

Screenshot of a Windows 10 laptop

Même si Internet Explorer reste sur la touche du nouveau Windows 10, remplacé en gros par le nouveau browser Edge de Microsoft, il semble ne pas avoir isolé le système d’exploitation des vulnérabilités IE. La semaine passée, Microsoft a lancé un patch de sécurité réglant ce bug le plus récent (et que notre gestionnaire automatisée CompuCARE […]

Les livraisons d’ordinateurs en forte baisse

Les livraisons mondiales d’ordinateurs ont fortement baissé, en raison notamment de la hausse du dollar. Les  livraisons aux États-Unis et en Asie/Pacifique ont été plus stables. Le lancement du Windows 10 de Microsoft n’a eu qu’un effet marginal. Le marché souffre d’une hausse des prix de l’ordre de 10%, en raison de l’appréciation du dollar par […]

What you need to know about XcodeGhost, the new iOS malware

Researches discovered last week a major iOS malware, called XcodeGhost. It infected hundreds of App Store apps, including popular titles such as CamCard CamScanner PDFReader WeChat WinZip According to Reuters, “It is the first reported case of large numbers of malicious software programs making their way past Apple’s stringent app review process. Prior to this […]